International Baccalaureate (IB) är ett högskoleförberedande program som öppnar dörrar till universitet och högskolor i hela världen!
IB leder till en internationell studentexamen, som öppnar dörrar till universitet och högskolor i såväl Sverige som utomlands.
IB Diploma Programme är en internationell utbildning som finns i nästan 3000 skolor i 138 länder.
Undervisningsspråket i alla ämnen (utom språk) är engelska.
Therefore, further reading on this page will be in English. We guess you are comfortable with that.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global leader in international education — developing inquiring, knowledgeable, confident, and caring young people. Let's go!
International Baccalaureate
Among many things, my IB Diploma made me a better student, teaching me to organize my studies to be as effective and learn as much as possible.
Lisa, former student
IB curriculum

The IB curriculum consists of six subject groups. Every Diploma candidate must take at least one course from each of Groups 1 - 5, and must satisfy the group 6 requirement.
The following listing is intended to explain Torsbergsgymnasiet's offerings in each group. It should be emphasised that the material below is, of necessity, only introductory in nature.
All students should consult teachers and the IB Coordinator before making any final choices.
1 - Language A
Group 1 - Language A
This is the student's best language. The programme of study centres around the reading and critical discussion, orally and in writing, of literary texts.
2 - Languages B, Ab initio
Group 2 - Languages B, Ab initio
All students must study a second language at one of these levels (or a second language A). Language A is a language and literature programme for highly competent speakers of the language. Language B is a foreign language programme for students with previous experience of learning the language, and Ab initio is a foreign language programme for beginners. We offer:
- B: English, Swedish
- Ab initio: Swedish
3 - Individuals and Societies
Group 3 - Individuals and Societies
The group 3 subjects offered at Torsbergsgymnasiet may differ from one year to another, usually we offer a choice between History, Digital society.
4 - Experimental Sciences
Group 4 - Experimental Sciences
The Group 4 offerings at Torsbergsgymnasiet are:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
5 - Mathematics
Group 5 - Mathematics
We offer Mathematics Applications and Interpretations at SL or HL.
- SL includes calculus and an emphasis on statistics, preparing students for further studies within the humanities.
- HL offers a more in-depth study of all areas, especially calculus, enabling further studies within the sciences and engineering.
6 - Arts and Electives
Group 6 - Arts and Electives
The choice of a sixth subject may be determined by a student's future study and career plans, or by interest or the desire for a balanced programme. One of the strengths of the IB programmes is that it offers students who may continue their studies in science, for example, the opportunity to do extensive work in art. At Torsbergsgymnasiet we offer one subjuct in group 6: Visual Arts.
A Diploma candidate at Torsbergsgymnasiet may fulfil Group 6 requirements by taking a second course in group 2 or 4 (i.e., a third language or a second Experimental Science).
Course choices, and even choices between the Standard and Higher Levels of a course, can in some cases determine where, and what subject areas, a student will be able to pursue in further education.
In addition to the six chosen subjects all candidates must meet the requirements of the Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (ToK) and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS).
Creativity, Action, Service is an integral part of the IB Diploma. The IB Organisation views it as acknowledgement that important educational experiences also take place outside the classroom. The will to act in the service of the community is seen as an important complement to the intellectual development of the student.
Each student develops a programme in consultation with the CAS Coordinator. Students usually fulfil these requirements by combining participation in extracurricular activities offered at the school and service to the school community and to the outside community. Thus students will be involved as tutors, volunteers at a home for the elderly, planners and organisers of charity drives, etc.They can play in teams, perform in plays, work in Student Government or on student publications, sing in Choir, pursue horseback riding, instrumental lessons and performance as parts of their CAS programme.
Extended essay
In IB1, students should decide on the subject area of their Extended Essay. The IBO defines the EE as "an in depth study of a limited topic within a subject". This essay is meant to provide students the opportunity to conduct independent research at an introductory level. In general, the skills required to produce a successful essay in any given subject are those the student has been using in the relevant course.
Every student will have a teacher as a supervisor who will offer help and advice. The Extended Essay is sent to IB examiners who assess the work. Up to three bonus points can be awarded for the EE, in conjunction with Theory of Knowledge.
Theory of Knowledge is a course required for all IB Diploma candidates. The course is an attempt to examine critically the types, nature and limitations of different ways of knowing and thus to learn to think in a constructive and clear way.
By considering the roles of language and logic in the processes of knowing, various systems of knowledge, and value judgements in relation to knowledge, students confront the fundamental questions:
"What do we know?" and "How do we know what we know?"
While there are no grades for ToK, successful completion of ToK is required for the Diploma and up to three bonus points can be awarded in conjunction with the EE
Listen to Our students
(in swedish)
Things to know
The IB programme is a two year education, but in swedish IB schools there is a preparatory first year added.
Following the preparatory year you will read six, partly optional, subjects during two years. Different schools offer different subjects.
International Baccalaureate encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Welcome to Torsbergsgymnasiet, Bollnäs, Sweden, Europe, Earth.
PreIB - preparatory year
During the preparatory year we will make sure all students have a good foundation in English so you won't have any language difficulties to take part in the education the two following years, IB 1 and 2.
Courses you will read during the preparatory year:
- Engelska 5 - 100p
- Engelska 6 - 100p
- IB-preparation ´- 50h
- Matematik 1c - 100p
- Naturkunskap 1b - 100p
- Naturkunskap 2 - 100p
- Moderna språk steg 1 eller steg 3 - 100p
- Religionskunskap 1 - 50p
- Svenska 1/Svenska som andraspråk 1 - 100p
The grading system
Explanation of IB Marks
The grading scheme in use for IB examinations is as follows:
- 7 - Excellent
- 6 - Very good
- 5 - Good
- 4 - Satisfactory
- 3 - Mediocre
- 2 - Poor
- 1 - Very Poor
Since you study six subjects, the maximum score is 42 points plus 3 extra points if you do well on Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge.
To obtain the Diploma, the minimum score is 24 points together with other basic requirements. The IB Coordinator can give you more information.
IB score (24-45) = Swedish grades (0-20)
- 24 = 12,40
- 43-45 = 20,00
Retaking Examinations
Diploma candidates have a maximum of three examination sessions in which to obtain the Diploma:
If you fail to meet the basic requirements the first time, you may have two more chances to retake your examinations. You may also retake to improve grades.
The IBO Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a line of study with high academic standards that challenges our students and gives them excellent knowledge in six chosen subjects as well as the common core areas of the programme.
The central ideologies and principles within the IB programme stimulate and develop personality as well as sense of empathy and altruism and are fully embraced by the IBDP at Torsbergsgymnasiet. Our IB learners, as well as their teachers, strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, communicators, thinkers, open-minded, caring, principled, risk-takers, balanced as well as reflective. These attributes create a balanced, whole person who, we believe, is prepared to embark on life with a purpose to create a better world with firmer and more peaceful bonds between different individuals and cultures; a more peaceful world.
The possibility to choose subjects at different levels encourages our students to become motivated since they can study challenging subjects they are interested in. Having studied at a programme of an international nature also stimulates to develop our students’ personality as well as their sense of empathy and altruism. This adds to the motivation of our students, both on an academic level as well as engendering global commitment and understanding.
We at Torsbergsgymnasiet are very proud to offer this programme to students in our region.
IB student handbook
You have chosen an international line of study with high academic standards that will give you excellent knowledge in your six areas of study.
Learn more about studying IB
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IB diploma
Tertiary education
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is recognized and respected by the world’s leading universities, and evidence suggests that higher rates of DP students go on to university and higher education study than non-IB students.
Research suggests that the DP is a strong pathway to university* – the impact of studying the DP on admission to university and higher education depends on each student’s performance.
* source:
Important information about universities
The IB Diploma is recognised by universities in more than 100 countries worldwide. A complete list is available from the IB Coordinator. However, in many cases, policies often change after some time.
- Students and parents should therefore consult university admission offices directly. This is particularly important for UK university applications.
- The student should verify that her/his IB programme will be acceptable, and she/he should know the minimum number of points required for admission.
Useful links
The DP focuses on rigorous academic study, within a broad and balanced curriculum, which can prepare students well for employment.
Students in the DP also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to community service, gaining valuable experience outside the academic world.
Here are some examples of professions our former IB students have reached after their university degree:
- Economist
- IT-architect
- Journalist
- Nurse
- Physicist
- Psychologist
- Sociologist
- Teacher
- Tech engineer
- ... you name it!
Talk to your study advisor and learn more about what kind of competence you need to achieve your future goals and dreams!